Sunday, April 21, 2013

How to upgrade SNAPSHOT version of carbon trunk

When upgrading a SNAPSHOT we need to apply this upgrade on orbit, kernal and platform trunks respectively. When upgrading we need to consider different types of SNAPSHOT entries on different files on trunk. I'm creating this tutorial because this will be useful to someone like I did :)

1) First we need to change all the x.x.0-SNAPSHOT entries of pom.xml files to next version value (ex: 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT to 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT)
this could be easily done using a single command
find . -name 'pom.xml'|xargs sed -i 's/4\.1\.0-SNAPSHOT/4\.2\.0-SNAPSHOT/g'

2) Need to change the 4.1.0.SNAPSHOT entry from carbon.product file (ex: 4.1.0.SNAPSHOT to 4.2.0.SNAPSHOT) on following directories

3) Need to change the x.x.0-SNAPSHOT entry on file on following directory

4) And on kernal and platform trunks extend the range of the valid snapshot versions according to our upgrade on parant/pom.xml
<carbon.platform.package.import.version.range>[4.1.0-SNAPSHOT, 4.2.0)
<carbon.platform.package.import.version.range>[4.2.0-SNAPSHOT, 4.3.0)

Some Useful terminal commands for me

Building The Project

Build the project with all test cases
mvn install

Build the project by telling Maven to perform clean action in each module before running the install action. This will clear any compiled files you have and making sure that you're really compiling each module from scratch
mvn clean install

Build the project with all the test cases
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

When we use npu(no plugin update) flag maven won't check for updates on already downloaded packages and this will only download missing packages.
mvn install -npu -Dmaven.test.skip=true

This tee command can be used to export the terminal output for later referance.
mvn install -npu -Dmaven.test.skip=true | tee /home/manoj/Desktop/buildLog.txt

Running Carbon Server

Run the server

Run the server with OSGI console
./ -DosgiConsole

Run the server in remote debug mode (you need to configure remote debug in your configurations on your IDE)
./ --debug 5005

Creating and Applying Patch Files

To create a patch file execute from the directory location you required
svn diff > /home/manoj/Desktop/modify.txt

To apply a patch file execute from the directory location you required
patch -p0 < /home/manoj/Desktop/carbon-utils.patch

To display svn log history with specific limit (here 4 logs)
svn log -v --limit 4

To display current diff from the checkout copy
svn diff

String Find and Replace

Find a string recursively 
grep -r "text need to find" /etc/

Find a string on specific set of files
grep '4.3.0)' -R . --include pom.xml (ex: grep '4.3.0)' -R . --include pom.xml)

Find & replace a text StringOne from StringTwo
find . xargs sed -i 's/StringOne/StringTwo/g'

Find & replace a text StringOne from StringTwo from specific set of files(ex: from pom.xml files)
find . -name 'pom.xml'|xargs sed -i 's/StringOne/StringTwo/g'

Some other useful codes

Extract content of tar file
tar xvzf foo.tgz

Change user privilage of a file
chmod 777 

To edit bashrc file
gedit ~/.bashrc

To open 'Task Manager' on the terminal

Saturday, April 20, 2013

How CarbonApp Get Deployed

CApp is a single file which is a combination of artifacts (axis2, data service, proxy service, gadjet server). When deploying a capp in to server it will first copy these artifacts to corresponding directory in CARBON_HOME/repository/deployment/server

ex : /webapp
       /data service

On these directories a listener will periodically check for new artifacts and when found it will deploy the relevant artifact of the server. One drawback on the current system is that it's hard to check weather the artifact is actually deployed or not. So we have slightly modified this deployment approach as follows.

According to our new approach when CApp gets deployed these CApp artifacts extracted it to temp location and then CApp deployer calls the relevant deployers of artifacts to deploy. With this approch we can easily check about the artifacts.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What happens inside - When applying a patch on WSO2 kernal

To apply the patches first we need to do our changes in code base and generate jar files  corresponding to those changes by building the source. Then create directory with the name of the patch (ex: patch001) inside repository/components/patches directory and copy the generated jar files to the patch folder we previously created or copy the required patch files you need to apply

Run -DapplyPatches,

First this will create a backup folder named patch0000 inside repository/components/patches directory containing the original content of repository/components/plugins folder. This step is conduct to support revert-back to the previous state if something get wrong during the operations. Next the content of the patches directory will incrementally (ex: patch0001, patch0002, etc.. ) get copied to the plugins directory.

WSO2 Carbon is implemented using OSGi bundles, so if we need to extend the platform it can be done by dropping OSGi bundles on directories provided. There are different directory locations that user can apply different patches and jars which need to be applied. The OSGi repository of WSO2 Carbon is located on  $CARBON_HOME/repository/components directory. $CARBON_HOME is the generated folder when we extracted an Carbon or Carbon based product. The following directories can be used to drop the external libraries to the Carbon server. After adding the required libraries the server need to be restarted to apply the changes.

  • $CARBON_HOME/repository/components/patches

The patches inside this directory will be applied automatically when running " -DapplyPatches" command and these patches will be coppied to plugins directory. This only support for plugin components.

Components other than plugins, user need to manually insert the corresponding entries to the file at,

  • $CARBON_HOME/repository/components/dropins

This directory can be used to drop other OSGi bundles which need to be applied.
  • $CARBON_HOME/repository/components/lib

This directory contain dropped jar files and during startup these jars will be converted to OSGi bundles and then will be copied to dropins directory.
  • $CARBON_HOME/repository/components/extensions

This directory also contain dropped jar files and during startup these jars will be converted to OSGi framework Extension bundles and will be copied to dropins directory.
